Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cloth Baby Diapers

Cloth diapers are making a come back! I highly suggest looking into cloth baby diapers. I tried them on my youngest for 6 weeks while he was a newborn. Unfortunately, he developed a dairy allergy, which led to eczema and the wetness irritated his skin causing rashes. I can tell you that in the 6 weeks I used the diapers...I loved them. Many people envision the old fashion diapers and simply do not have fond memories. Cloth baby diapers have come along way! You no longer have the complicated folding or accidentally poking yourself with a diaper pen. Many cloth diapers are now made with a fleece lining, cotton inserts, and a velcro closure. The diapers are very comfortable for the baby to wear and are actually pretty cute. They come in all different designs and colors. The cloth diapers are extremely easy to wash. You will save about $1500.00 using cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers. In addition to saving money, your child potentially could be potty trained much faster. The most important reason of all to try cloth baby diapers is the environment! It's pretty disgusting if you stop and think about all the diapers just sitting in landfills. Just google cloth baby diapers and you will see that there are many companies out there that make the diapers just as I described. Many companies will actually send you a free sample diaper as well before you purchase them to make sure it is right for you.

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